Elliott Picotte
Marie-France La Rocque
Knitting makes her heart sing, earth colors and creation are a delight for her eyes and the works created with her fibers fill her with happiness. The colors that life has given her have finally been transposed into her magnificent braids for our greatest happiness.
In total ecstasy before the traditions and history connected to the transformation of fleece to finished products, the liberation of the fiber from its lanolin and its botanicals is what makes it most satisfied. This certainly explains why fibers are such an integral part of her home décor.

Totally addicted to knitting since 2013, spinning appeared in her life like the icing on the sundae in 2016. Surrounded by great people, she was able to benefit from the information received to finally create beautiful spinning and knitting products. It was in 2017 that Marie-France started dyeing, simply because she wanted to have colored fibers to spin. Since then, she has never come out of Alice's rabbit hole again. She is now a member of the AFFQ, creator of knitting patterns and owner of her own booming business.
Passionate and eager for knowledge, she likes to receive and give everything related to fiber. His joie de vivre is reflected in his works and passed on to all who spin and knit his treasures.
What she prefers in the world of fiber? The smell of freshly shorn fleece, BFL, Hampshire and Suffolk for their rustic character and wonderful qualities.